Thursday, 24 March 2011

Exhibitor Insurance, Auto Insurance Rate

Marital Status: single men pay more for their car insurance than married man. We are not suggesting for one second that you should go and get married just to get cheap car insurance, but it is something to be aware of should you find the one for you and want to drive off with them into the sunset.
Vehicle Security: the more secure your vehicle, the less likely it is to be stolen, and the less likely your insurer is to have to process a claim.
 As such, car insurance companies will reward you for fitting things like an alarm and immobiliser if your car does not already have them. Check with your company to see what will decrease your premium the most, as some security fittings can be quite expensive - you want to make sure the outlay is countered by the saving on your cover.
Driving behaviour: being caught speeding or committing other traffic offenses can increase the cost of your car insurance, or even jeopardise your chances of obtaining cover at all. The closer to the letter of the law you drive, the better - both financially and in terms of safety for yourself and others.
Modifications: if you modify your car in any way, you should tell your insurer. Performance or style modifications will always increase your premium - if you are searching for cheap car insurance you should keep any changes to a minimum.
Paying Monthly: most insurers charge more for allowing you to pay monthly - some up to 30% APR. One way to avoid this is taking out a credit card with an initial interest-free period, paying the full amount on the card and then paying the card back over the following 12 months - although we would recommend you read our credit card guide before doing this.
Main Driver: if a car in the house is shared equally, but one driver has significantly more experience or fewer penalty points, naming them as the main driver (with you as a named driver) can save you money on your car insurance.

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