Unfortunately, the reverse is also true on occasion: Many people take out extremely cheap car insurance, only to find out that the policy isn't as comprehensive as they initially thought - and these people often don't find out about this until they make a claim, by which time it's too late.
Finding the right car insurance policy for you
Finding the right car insurance policy for you
The first thing anybody considering a new car insurance policy should do is shop around. If you're looking for the best car insurance deal, our price comparison tool allows you to get quotes from more than 100 insurance companies in the UK in order to help you find the best deal possible - but remember the cheapest car insurance policy may not necessary be the right option for you..
Knowing the ins and outs of how car insurance policies work could save you even more money, as well as making sure you are receiving the correct services and level of protection from your insurer. This guide will help you to do just that, as well as answering some common questions about insuring a car.
These questions range from the factors that affect your premium, how you can make your premiums cheaper, and what to do in the case that you need to make a claim on your policy.
The guide also contains a jargon-buster, which explains some of the terms which you may have heard but not understood when buying insurance - terms such as TPFT, fronting, and named drivers.
Whilst we'd love our guide to answer all your car insurance questions, there are simply too many. So, should you have any further queries that aren't addressed in this guide, please pay a visit to our car insurance forums - we have a large and active community on hand to help, as well as our own industry experts who will be able to answer any questions you might have.
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