Before you begin shopping for policies, you need to know what sort of car insurance policy is best for you. Different types of policies have differing levels of cover, and it's good to know this information before proceeding.
There are three main levels of cover to choose from when you compare car insurance with; third party, third party fire & theft and fully comprehensive.
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Third Party Car Insurance
Third party is the absolute minimum cover you need to drive on the road in the UK: This cover protects against damage you may cause to other people and nothing else. This includes injuries to pedestrians, other drivers and passengers, damage to property as well as damage caused by caravans and trailers you might have attached to the back. Third party insurance is often thought of as the cheapest level of cover but this is not always the case and it's important to compare the various policy options to ensure you're getting value for money.
Third party cover can be suitable if your car is old and of low value, especially if any repair work would work out more expensive than the value of the car. However, if you're driving something a little more expensive, it might be worth considering other options.
Third party, fire and theft car insurance
Third party, fire and theft car insurance
This is the next step up after third party car insurance. Third party fire and theft (sometimes called TPFT) provides protection for third parties, as well as cover against fire damage and also against theft. Should you be at fault in a crash, TPFT will not pay for repair work to your car, so this cover may not be the right choice if you cannot afford to replace your car should the need arise.
Third party fire and theft can also be suitable in many cases for young or inexperienced drivers (or those with a little no-claims bonus) as it affords them a decent amount of cover, however it is still worth comparing against a fully comp deal as you could find the cost is actually cheaper than TPFT.
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