Saturday, 9 April 2011

Car Insurance Claim, Auto Insurance

Vintage automobiles are a car collector’s dream however finding the right car insurance company who offers classic car insurance can be a little less dreamy. As a vintage vehicle owner you need to find a car insurance company who understands the value of your classic car more than the value simply shown on a depreciation schedule.

While it is true that many of the nationwide car insurance companies provide classic car insurance most of them do not specialize in this product thus your quality of insurance coverage many not be as desirable as those from boutique insurance firms. Remember, it is almost impossible to insure a 1957 Chevy in pristine condition using a standard auto policy so you need a classic car insurance policy.

Classic Cars can be also be referred to as Collector Cars or Vintage Automobiles and usually fall in the same custom car insurance policy category as modified cars – such as Muscle Cars, Custom Cars and Street Rod Cars. Classic car insurance (Vintage Car Insurance) quotes are usually much lower than standard car insurance quotes since most collector car insurance policies involve limited vehicle use. The main types of car insurance are comprehensive coverage and accident liability. Almost any classic car owner will tell you money is almost secondary since the rarity of finding a replacement vehicle is few and far between however its still important to carry car insurance for a number of reasons.

Replacement value is high on the list of needs for a good classic car insurance policy but remember that most classic cars do not have airbags, theft deterrent systems, anti-lock brakes and many of the safety features standard on today’s automobiles. In the case of an accident it is entirely possible for an injured parties lawyer to make claim:

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