I had back surgery 8/2004 was healing til 5/2005 this gal who was on the cell slammed into me while I was stopped. Went to court 11/2009 The SF atty went back to a '95 wreck, not anything to do with 2005. My drs Neurosurgeon wrote a letter stating that I was healing & that this wreck has pushed my health insurance issues over. My atty was apologetic, forgot issues, SF atty danced around the room, the judge would not allow her driving record to be stated.
The judge allowed the neighbor of the gal's father-in-law to be the jury foreman. SF atty kept pounding away at the '95 wreck. My health insurance issues were referred to pain mgmt. dr who stated the same thing in her deposition. The jury went for the 20 something cutie & SF atty defamed my husband & my character, called us liars, money grubbers & etc. My atty had spreadsheets of the narcotic meds, meds, proceedures, injections, the jury could care less. Who is going to be for the insurance victim? SF is protecting her. Because of this wreck I have a damaged sciatic nerve(tingling, pain, numbness, burning & cramping) I am on pain med, injections, antidepressants (higher) because of the stress in my life.
I have tremors in my head, voice & hands. My husband works out of state, so that I have my drs who know me. Physically & emotionally I am stressed to the max. I am frustrated how SF get away with all of this. SF never called to talk re: settlement, how are you doing or etc. Thank you I need someone to beat them at their game.
My ex wife and I started our divorce almost two years ago. A few months after our seperation I was contacted by my ex requesting that I meet her in our insurance agents office, Brian B., Somerset, Pa. I agreeded and met her there. When I went into the office she was already seated in the chair infront of the agents desk and paper work was laid on the table infont of her. I asked Brian what was going on and he mentioned that Mrs. S. wanted the permission to deposit money into the childrens life insurance policies and help keep them current. The insurance policies were taken out when the children were two weeks old and my step daughters was taken out when she was three. I paid soley into these accounts each month. I signed the paperwork thinking I was only giving her permission to deposite money, I was wrong.
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