Saturday, 9 April 2011

Insurance Considerations, Compensation Insurance

After i moved here. I moved to Jacksonville and asked Shirley please don't deposit my check and she said she would she would stop it. And I would pay her on The 3rd of May with a credit card and I told her I would use my Dad's. She said okay That if she did that I would have to pay them a extra 56.00 every month for three months to make Mays payment.
And I asked her don't I get a grace period. Or something I said it didn't sound right so don't deposit my check and they did and I got a over draft fee and had to pay 167.30+35=202 is what I owe the bank and when I got hurt from get hit from behind and they tell me I have no coverage for medical. insurance  or anything like that . It does not sound right to me I made it perfectly clear that i have professional liabialty for me and my buisness  insurance  when I go in to peoples homes why wouldn't i have for my car. Thank you for your time

I have never owned a car nor had car insurance before, so I was really a novice on ins and outs of how car insurance policies work, and how State Farm was capable of doing things that put individuals and drivers like me at risk by suddenly canceling your insurance policy over their own internal mistakes that they will not accept responsibility for. I am getting a serious lesson in this right as I type this.
After being insured with State Farm for over 18 years and NEVER reporting a claim, I had a hit & run driver hit my car in a parking lot. I had the police fill out a report covering all of the damage at that time. When I took the car to be repaired, I was told that some of it was pre-existing damage and although they were replacing a part that was actually damaged in what they covered, they said that I should pay half. Day after day, we fought about it and I even called my agent which has been my agent for 15 of the 18 years and even he couldn't help get it resolved. So, after 18 years of being with State Farm, cars, motorhome, home, etc, I am leaving them.

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