Car insurance seems to be an easy enough purchase however do you really understand what you are buying?Believe it or not, most consumers have no idea what PIP means, the car insurance discounts available, still question who is at fault with No Fault Car Insurance and find it hard to separate comprehensive car insurance from collision coverage.
This lack of knowledge is completely understandable since we go through our lifetime never taking a course in auto insurance and just calling a local agent when we need a new policy assuming we will always be covered.
A smart consumer should always consider the purchase of car insurance as important as purchasing the car being insured. Only by understanding the different components of car insurance can you make an educated decision about obtaining the coverage you need (not offered). Knowledge is power and this is especially true when shopping for affordable auto insurance.
The Car Insurance Industry is heavily regulated so although various components of any automobile insurance policy exist they are standard throughout the nation in terms of how they are defined. Most states have minimum mandatory auto insurance requirements (which are many times much less than you actually need) but these laws very from state to state which you can find in our state minimum car insurance requirements section here.
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