Thursday, 7 April 2011

State Farm Insurance , Auto Insurance

I know the state of TX has these codes that allow Insurance Companies to use used parts and aftermarket parts, but to pick and choose who gets them, I don't see that in the policy at all. I bet if a full audit was done it would surprise alot of insured's of what State Farm does.

They have to keep records of what parts are used because supposedly they warranty the parts. But I would like to see an audit as such to see who got new parts as opposed to who didn't.

Pam of Adkins, TX Nov. 24, 2010

I was given an insurance premium after changing vehicles, after paying that amount for 2 months they deducted more than double out of my checking account. After talking with them I cancelled my insurance as of September 15, 2010. I was unable to get other insurance so I reinstated my insurance with State farm on September 16, 2010. I was told that one more payment of 161 would be taken out of my account to reinstate then my premium would go back to 75 a month which was taken out of my account on October 18, 2010.

On November 18, 2010 they deducted 193 out of my checking account and are giving me the same reason as when it went up in September. The reason was in July 2010 I got a new car and lost my multi car discount!

Melissa of Gresham, OR Nov. 23, 2010

After my car was hit from behind at approximately 40 mph by an uninsured driver, SF has made my life very difficult in denying damage caused by the accident as preexisting! I have now been without my car for close to months and have had a terrible experience with all of their claims representatives. We have had SF for over 25 years all of our homes and cars covered with them.

We have never been late on a payment and yet when we filed this claim we have been treated badly. We are going to be switching Insurance companies as a result of this. I would not recommend State Farm Insurance to anyone based on how I have been treated.

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